From the Barber Shop to the Bathroom

Poor Larry Craig, Senator from my home state of Idaho. As you probably know, it was just discovered that Sen. Craig had submitted a guilty plea for lewd conduct in a mens room at the Minneapolis airport (probably a long layover on a flight to Boise). Since the early 80s, Craig has been dogged with accusations that he's gay, which would fit with a self-loathing-homosexual-of-the-religious-right stereotype, which would explain all the rabidly anti-gay political stances posed by the senator.

Me, I frankly miss the Singing Senators, taking cues from Liberace and Lawrence Welk, laying out those patriotic tracks penned by John Ashcroft. Give me those stout-hearted men, men, men.


Anonymous said…
This is where Fox news broadcasts the story and lists Craig as a democrat, just like they did with Foley.

How's it going, teach? Long time, no talk.
Jim Brock said…

Great to hear from you--you would respond to the Larry Craig thing, wouldn't you?

All's well. And you know how to reach me, and so give me a shout about how you're faring.
January said…
Jim, I miss you. Please post something new soon.